My ML350 is now over 11 years old and has developed a "twitch" gearbox. If I was going uphill at my local city speed (35-45 mph) instead of downshifting I would have this wobbly vibration. I could almost predict where and when it would happen. First I changed the fluid and the filter. Now I love Mercedes, but they marketed the 722.9 transmission as "filled for life," which is utter nonsense. When I drained the liquid it was BLACK. Not good. I replaced the filter and riser and pumped about 5 liters of new fluid using the air compressor method. Since my model doesn't have a drain plug on the torque converter, you can't drain it completely unless you do a fairly complex flush. I decided to make that change and then make another one a few thousand miles later. After all that, everything seemed to smooth out (maybe I'm imagining it), but the tremors remained. Well, the several thousand miles of fluid changes turned into 2 1/2 years (best plans etc.!). There was this annoying shaking all the time. So a few weeks ago I finally drained and replaced another 5 liters of liquid (a bit brown this time) and filled the whole tube with LiquiMoly ATF. After a day or two of driving, the shaking is completely gone and it shifts like clockwork! Like the day it was stolen from the parking lot! Now I understand that this is uncorroborated evidence. It's possible that the second change of the 5L e-liquid cleaned up the e-liquid enough to clean it up or something, but I blame LiquiMoly for that. It was too big a change to replace only half the fluid. Your mileage may vary, but I'm sure. It breathed new life into my gearbox!