The best part about this software is that it offers all of our needs, from billing to scheduling appointments with ease! We are able fix problems as they arise rather than waiting until we have an issue in order get help fixing them which can take weeks or months sometimes depending upon what department you go through first (i know its not always fair but thats life).
I wish there was more training available online so people could learn how things work without having someone walk us step by step every time something goes wrong like some other companies do when using their service. If your looking into getting started then definitely try out different modules before deciding whether or not it will meet each one's specific needings because once implemented everything works beautifully together seamlessly!! It has been very helpful being able to manage my schedule easily through here instead of calling around trying find availability at multiple places since i don't want anyone else involved if possible unless needed. Also helps me keep track of who should receive medications via prescription management module.