AvecBrio Store: is a store of varied items with a large selection of clothing for ladies and gentlemen, has many props, objects of daily use, shoes, makeup, selling many things of social interest, focus on getting everything you need in a single web portar, is a store by selection from the comfort of your home can place orders, The idea of this business model arose from the commercial need that left the last pandemic, the fact of not being able to leave made many companies reinvent themselves and seek a more profitable business model and adatado to the present time, in it you can get a variety of objects, complements and details, which represent things that represent the social interest, complements and details, which represent things of daily use and you can buy by pedios online, saving time and having to leave home, your payment system allows many pedios per day, your delivery service is efficient and provides many commercial scenarios, its wide variety of products is thanks to its market investment, your store is very complete all the selection of your merchandise allows considerably improve its sales system considering the wide variety of items, the design of your website is very successful focuses on its variety of products and seeks to realize the sale at all times, is designed with clear colors, Its main objective is to visualize part of the merchandise in promotion, to announce offers and to establish a sales index, its web page establishes a more direct market with the clients, it is private and safe, you have to create an account to be able to acquire the products through its web page, it allows to pay by means of credit cards, debit cards, mobile payments, payment systems, applications, and many more, its page integrates a search engine that studies and grants results according to the searches and interests of the consumers, the quality of its merchandise is standard, many of its products are elaborated in mace or on a large scale, and they as a company or store only fulfill the function of selling them and not to manufacture them, work in a very balanced advertising system that makes your process is very accurate at all times, and allows customers to feel satisfied, allows the use of sales consultants who manage purchases in the best way and faster, has a whole selection of jewelry which is very extensive at a glance you can get many things of daily use that can combine and look good, their manufacturing materials vary, depending on what you are going to acquire, many of them are made of steel, silver and fantasies.