I replaced four tires on my Hayward Aquanaut 400 with these yesterday. The fit was perfect, I don't know how long they will last until used. What I can tell you is that I was able to increase the suction of the pool pump during the vacuum cycle and today has not burst into the water supply line and sucked in air which would cause the pump to lose suction. It currently works like new. My original Hayward tires lasted almost 3 years. I buy them under a different brand and they only lasted about 1 year. I believe that even if this brand only lasts 1 year, its cost is still much cheaper than buying original Hayward tires. To the best of our knowledge, these different tire brands are all made by the same manufacturer, just rebranded under a different name as they all look the same. To be honest you can't beat the price. If they don't last at least a year I will provide an update.