When you first open the box, the installation of this nifty vice seems to go without saying. Then you take a close look and questions arise: Two jaws? a jaw and a countertop? blush? bar below? What are the two pieces of metal dangling from the grate and why are they pointing backwards? Now, Yost's answer could be that the vise can be installed in many different ways, and if you search online for videos of people doing it, it's obvious that it's possible. All I want is for the manufacturer to give me SOMETHING explaining why the machine is designed the way it is, maybe a suggested setting or two. They don't give you anything, neither in the box nor online. Now I'm feeling pretty good; just yesterday i ran a ground wire to the ground rail of my panel to convert a 3 pin 220 socket to a 4 pin for example. I think I could fuel it, but why should I? If I had to redo, I would look for other vices.