The software works well for my needs. I like that it will alert me of changes automatically - no need to check in myself which saves time! We use this all over our business so there are several settings / locations we would love to access in one tool but haven't found anything yet as seamless as that. Currently being worked through what my colleagues have said they'd like to be able to do with their own personal screens/apps (specific data). This can then become part of future updates if deemed necessary by us/our supplier. Using visuals I think this has greatly improved our visibility into processes within different businesses areas i.e. supply chain partners etc where previously staff just didn’t always know how everything fit together or were looking at old systems & information from previous providers - now its easier for them see whats going forward within It's super intuitive. You can set up rules for different pages so you can easily track multiple things at once. You can also see what pages are being viewed on your site and what the visitor is doing on those pages. The only thing I dislike is that it's a little pricey. It's a great tool for tracking your website, and I've used it for multiple websites. It's also a great tool for tracking competitor websites too. It allows you to track multiple pages and compare that to other websites.