I wanted a bag to carry my laptop better. I usually use messenger bags, but I wanted something better to carry a lot of items with me. I was also looking for something that would hold its shape better. Thanks to the rubber base and rigid body, this laptop keeps its shape quite well. This also makes it a high protection against external injuries, making it slightly more ideal for active lifestyles or bikers. Personally, I wanted a bag that would hold its shape and stand upright, rather than just falling limp on itself. I was also impressed with the level of padding and protection offered for a backpack laptop sleeve. The wearing comfort is quite decent. I like that it feels much better than its more flexible counterpart. There are many breathable cushions on the back, making it very comfortable. And the straps are pretty nice. However, I see that if you wear this backpack for a long time, it can be a little annoying. While it still has good flexibility, I could see how it puts pressure on your back when you try to wear it for a few hours. While the bag is big enough to hold most of your electronics, I wouldn't bother using it for camping due to its limited size. It's truly an urban backpack that will securely protect all your devices and accessories while you carry it. However, be wary of theft. The zippers are easily accessible and no lock is included. This could pose a risk to your property on a crowded train. I highly recommend getting an extra locking mechanism to protect yourself in those crowded areas. The cup/bottle holder is very thin and leaves a lot to be desired. However, it still serves its purpose and is very easy to hide. After all, the backpack is actually pretty well sealed. The zippers hold water well. The fabric is just as good. And of course, the soft plastic/rubber outer shell keeps water out. While I still don't trust it in heavy rain and definitely don't submerge it in water, there shouldn't be a problem using this backpack in the rain. Overall I think this is a very nice, decorative and protective case for electronics. It opens quite wide and has enough room for most of your tech. I highly recommend this bag especially when you can get it at lower prices.
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