Definitely not my area of expertise. With that in mind, I had no idea there was such a thing as power steering fluid until I went to top up windshield wiper fluid and accidentally noticed there was virtually none. (Thanks to the mechanic who told me it was ok) So I looked at the cap and it just said Honda fluid so I searched Revain and found this. I have a 1993 Honda Prelude with 171,000 miles on it. After the exchange, a difference can definitely be felt. Other reviews say it's expensive, but I'd rather pay $8 than visit a mechanic every day. For non-auto repair shops like me, it's very easy to use. I make no guarantees, but chances are you can do it yourself. Very happy with this purchase. 100% chance I'll buy it again if needed. (Plus, now I know I need to keep an eye on it!)