I fought with it for several days; oil and silicone did not help; as a result, I won with tangit; in theory, a fumlent is also acceptable; there is a fix option in the photo. - Immediately after assembly, there was a crazy creak in the area of the handles. - The gas lift play did not attract much attention during the first few days; nevertheless, after a little less than a week had gone, it reached an unpleasant level. - I am at a loss as to how to correct the backlash that is caused by the mechanism; if anyone has any thoughts, please pass them along. - The infrequent rattling of rollers does not annoy The fact that this chair costs 23,500 dollars and has so many jambs is quite frustrating. Furthermore, the possibility of selling it in a store is not being addressed, so there is nowhere to sit when working from home.