I've bought two of these now and they're little used - now both refuse to recognize micro SD cards and half the time when they are not a computer, they do not people that reading is connected. When it works it works well, it often does when it's new, but after a year or so it eventually starts to degrade to the point where it's unusable. I guess you get what you pay for, but I'll be looking for a new SD/MicoSD reader as I'm tired of replacing this one. To be clear, they weren't bought at the same time, the second one was a replacement for the first one when it died, so there's no chance it was from the same batch. I assume that lightweight electronics with a minimum of moving parts will last longer, especially with proper care. These readers do not meet these criteria. (I have many other older readers, often USB 2.0, that still work many years past their practical usefulness, but these readers die long before their time).
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