To be honest, I feel guilty about using plastic bags, but I'm still addicted to them. Love them for off-season storage and extra shoes. I keep my shoes in a large storage box on the windowsill. They would all get mixed up if I didn't separate them. Putting each pair in one of these bags keeps them organized and helps me find the right pair quickly. Even large shoes can be stowed away in this way, one shoe per bag. I reuse these shoe bags every season. And for storing large leafy greens like kale and chard, these bags are great. My local farmers market no longer puts vegetables in plastic bags. You are better people than me. So I take a couple of these giant bags to transport cabbage and chard from the market to my fridge. The bags are also reusable as you get fresh veggies every week.
150 Count Reli 33 Gallon Black Heavy Duty Drawstring Garbage Bags - Large 33 Gal
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60 Count Heavy Duty Compostable Trash Garbage Bags - 13-15 Gallon, 1.18Mils Thickness For Kitchen Garden Home
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Crucial BX 240GB SATA CT240BX500SSD1 SSD
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Viva Multi-Surface Cloth Paper Towels: 12 Task Size Family Rolls (2X6), 30 Regular Rolls, 286 Count - Buy Now!
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