Feels strong, meets THWAP requirements when used. However, it's a bit cheesy and considerably weaker than my hand stapler (which is cheap, off-brand, but decent). Bought when I was having trouble rebuilding a motorcycle seat using a cheap hand stapler, the old staples didn't go through the vinyl into the pan at all. Got this gun and new restraints and was very disappointed. The illustration shows the penetration into the motorcycle seat shell with a 10 mm pointed bar (another bar for size comparison). And that without vinyl. He just couldn't get through the plastic, not even deep enough to drive it all the way in with a hammer. No main element. I've included a photo of the brave staples who died to honor their memory before tossing them on my neighbor's lawn. Well then I used new staples in my cheap staple gun and now my motorcycle seat is officially protected! Now all I have to do is fix the rest of this shit. anyway, the D+ pistol is good for hobby or softwood. Like a cork oak. Or maybe styrofoam.