Easy integration of different types (Python/R) code languages; great support by community via slack channel(not active all time); fast learning curve - you should focus more about algorithm architecture than how it works! Can handle big datasets easily at scale without needings expensive hardware like GPU clusters / HPC platforms etc.; parallel processing makes calculations much faster if used carefully ; some things could be improved regarding error handling but this will require improvements also at upstream levels which I don't think its feasible since we're only few people working there right now =).
The first thing I like about this product was that it didn't require any additional licenses - just use their cloud service if you want all of its features (which include predictive modelling). As an engineer myself i found some aspects difficult at times but am able learn how they work very quickly! It does make sense though once installed there isn’t much more required by us other than setting up our own API keys etc which we have done ourselves anyway so thats no problem either way really!!