Bought for my IKEA table with legs. A little worried they would be too small but they were PERFECT. I bought 2 sets and was able to fit the locking wheel on all 4 middle legs and then the non-locking wheels on the 2 folding legs. They are the perfect size as the legs are so close together that the large wheels can bump into each other when the flaps are down. We were able to place them so the wheels didn't touch at all when rolling! This is not possible with large wheels. The table moves very easily over our hardwood floors. Locks keep it in place. The only thing to note is that unlocking the wheels can be a bit tricky as this table and my embroidery machine are very close to the heaviest sill the wheels can handle. But that's not so bad and I'm very happy with it! Lightweight wheels don't leave black marks on the floor.
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