This is a great shelter to increase the 'living' space when car camping. Staying cool during these hot months is of the utmost importance. In addition, when it starts to rain, we can now comfortably position ourselves under a waterproof shelter. In front of this awning I struggled to set up a tarp with poles and then raise it high enough for us to walk under. This awning provides the arch we need to stand on. It comes in a carrying case which is quite compact. It is easy to carry and easy to set up.
Continental ContiCrossContact LX2 215/65 R16 98H summer
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Premium Soft Vinyl Tonneau Cover For Dodge Ram 1500/2500/3500 - Fits 6.4/6.5 FT Feed Bed - Easy Roll-Up Design - Compatible With 2002-2018 Models - No RamBox On Top - Fleetside Only
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Maximize Your Ford F-150 Truck Bed'S Security With BAKFlip MX4 Hard Folding Tonneau Cover - Fits 6' 7" Bed
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