I had my doubts about paying significantly more money for this helmet having used cheap helmets. Finally, they are both DOT approved, have an internal sun visor and fit well. I finally broke down and bought this one. Compared to the cheap one, it is lighter, but above all it has noticeably less wind noise when driving. The vents really work. Cons: 1. Bluetooth is an add-on and expensive. You have to use the Sena model which is very overpriced2. Maybe it was just bad luck, but about a month after I got it, one day while driving on the freeway, the clear visor on the left side detached itself and before I could stop, the right side ripped off. (wind shear) and I lost my visor and pin cap. To be clear, I did not ride with my visor open and I never took the visor off. I took it to a bike shop and they saw a small piece of plastic in the hinge area - so it was probably a broken visor. The visor itself costs about $50 and Shoei makes no guarantees as the visor broke on the freeway. ugh For such an expensive helmet, this was an unexpected quality.
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