Try my method and you WILL NOT lose your hats, but they will be very USEFUL! -- Many people complain about lens caps. You are all wrong! The lens caps attach to the strap and fit loosely enough over the eyepieces for quick and easy removal and replacement after viewing. These caps are designed to be used WHILE the binoculars are on the neck strap. YOU MUST INSTALL IT CORRECTLY! And when you do that, when you bring the capped binoculars up to your eyes, the caps practically unhook themselves and hang down sideways, and when you put the binoculars down again, gravity practically puts the caps back on the eyepieces. Also, the caps on the lens ends must remain attached to the band, but not to the lenses, throughout the service life. How can you do that? Thread the binocular strap through the eyecups on each side and then through the lens caps. When you're ready to go, remove the lens caps and hang the binoculars around your neck and see if you like the eyecup design! Try my method and you too will find these baseball caps are AWESOME! (See photo)
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