I received the package but haven't had time to try it yet. I plan to go on a day trip soon and test the backpack extensively. I gave it 4 stars because it is exactly as described in the product description and it is exactly what I was looking for. Overall the look is simple, all black with some reflective detailing on the shoulder straps. I checked the helmet storage and it fits a large full face helmet (HJC CL-17) but the helmet compresses the bag so much that there isn't much room left in the pack for anything else. I plan to experiment with the straps to see if I can get some room as they stretch. Another complaint is that the chest strap is flimsy and short. I'm not a big guy and I can't buckle the strap even if there's nothing in the backpack. It's a very thin strap, so I don't want to pull on it too hard for fear of breaking it. A little stitching won't fix anything, but it should be noted nonetheless. I bought it because it's a basic package and I don't turn into a giant billboard for the company while driving, and it's also waterproof (still to test). As mentioned, I plan to test this thing out soon and update if needed. Update 10 Jan 20: So far so good. I've taken it on several rides and only once did the main zip come open (fortunately not while riding).
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