The pricing model is quite poor and does not give you the flexibility to change your price according to demand. This means that you may have to buy more than you actually require to cover peak demand. If you are looking to use DRMcNatty for web-based applications (i.e. eCommerce sites) you are probably better off using a cloud provider such as Amazon Web Services, Rackspace Cloud, Google App Engine etc. The free version gives you 500MB storage space. I am guessing this will fill quickly when it comes time to host an application which requires significant disk capacity - i.e. >100GB It looks like there are some problems with uploading files larger than 100Mb due to file size restrictions. This has resulted in many users having problems downloading large files from other hosts (e.g. S3). For example, if you upload a 1Gb zip archive and then try download it from another server it will fail. You cannot scale your database independently from your instance types. You either get one or the other - so unless you know how much memory each type consumes at different times, its hard to plan for growth. So if you want to add extra instances later, they must all come from the same 'family' of machines (in terms of hardware). In addition, scaling down can cause downtime because the old instances continue consuming CPU cycles while they shutdown.