In the third month of use, the pulse sensor itself cracked. I didn’t hit it, I didn’t drop it, I just somehow took it off my hand and found a web of cracks on it. Googling a little, I was convinced that the problem is typical and I'm not the only one such "lucky". I bought it in an online store (not certify), respectively, the guarantee is only from the store (officials do not take warranty repairs). The store said that they would give my watch to their supplier, who would send it to an official dealer in Europe, I would have to wait at least a month and a half. A month and a half later, my watch was returned to me with a comment from Dmitry Alexandrovich Konovalov, 13/1 Leningradsky Prospekt (what does the European garmin dealer have to do with it and a month and a half of waiting, I still don’t understand) with the conclusion: “The geometry of the case is faulty due to mechanical impact", further, as they say, No Comments! ((