Wide range of colours. Looks the same as in the photo. I have inspected every area of each pair of 5 shorts and they all appear to be sewn correctly and no threads were pulled out at all. These should last my son until next summer if he doesn't gain too much weight. He turned 13 in June. He is slightly shorter than most of his friends his age, but only 2 inches. At the time of writing this review, he is about 4ft 10.5 inches tall. It ranges from 86 to 88 pounds. He is small but close enough to be considered a medium physique. I bought these shorts in a large size instead of a very large. The plus size fits him as a size that's between a pair of shorts 12 and 14, and the shorts have more than enough drawstrings and stretch to allow for tummy, hips and/or waist growth. The waistband of the shorts should stretch at least 1/4 percent. This allows shorts to stretch. A very large one would be too big and look sloppy. I love that his shorts are below the knee. I prefer all basketball shorts to be below the knee rather than above. It just looks more aesthetic. I hope this review helps many people especially those with medium sized children like my son.
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