ОБНОВЛЕНИЕ Я не уверен, почему мое обновление не было должным образом обновлено, но, к моему разочарованию, я только что обнаружил, что it's not like this. These capsules changed my life. I've been taking it for almost 2 months now. For the first time in years, I went without painkillers. I was only occasionally able to get relief from a migraine pill containing acetaminophen, aspirin, and caffeine. Nothing else would ease the pain. I had trouble with them and once I started taking them I stopped taking my painkillers to make sure they were working. When I took them I noticed an improvement in my pain receptors, or rather modulators. I'm still in pain, but for the first time in years I've seen the ability to ignore pain like I used to. I can't tell you how much this means to me. NOTHING I have done to help has done anything like this app. This is the SECOND time I've tried to update this for you. I am so thankful for this addition. That's the only thing that worked. Two months without painkillers was a miracle that I refused. -- FIRST CHECK I've had problems with fibromyalgia for a while. Many deaths of loved ones and pets, as well as the general stress of the world situation created an atmosphere for the manifestation of fibrotic symptoms. It is a powder in a gelcap. ODOR? There are no strong smells with them at all. PROBLEMS So far no digestive problems, belching, headaches or bad reactions to them - I drank half the bottle. HELP "I'm not sure how much they're helping at the moment. I often have to take painkillers and have tried not to take them. So far I'm using about a third less painkillers compared to what I was taking before taking it. I'm not sure if this is related to them or not as this situation causes me an ebb and flow in pain levels. I will continue to take them until the bottle is gone and if anything great happens I will let you know. They don't seem to hurt, so I finish the bottle. CONCLUSION They are not difficult to swallow and do not cause me any problems. I noticed a slight improvement in pain levels but it took a long time, it will take time for me to get over it. A bottle most likely won't do it. MY RATING IS FOUR STARS. I'm not seeing any outstanding results, but again, it may take a few bottles. At the moment I'm ready to finish the bottle and if anything changes I'll update. At this point I would consider buying another bottle to see if there are any big changes.
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