The exact opposite is true: I am not a fan of Nintendo and have no fetish for their games. I registered a prefix to try it out, but now I want to get rid of it. And then they decided to sell it. The good feelings I had are long gone. Even if the Switch has the same graphical prowess as the XBOX 360, something is amiss with all eight games. This might be soap or low frame rates. Whenever a game is ported, its visuals and quality are severely downgraded. For instance, I downloaded Darksiders Genesis (which doesn't have any fancy graphics) and found that it was full of soap, impossible to play, and that during combat you couldn't tell the difference between your character and the environment because some spots just ran across the screen. Vampyr on the Nintendo Switch runs at roughly 20 frames per second (fps) throughout and looks awful compared to other games. That's why I won't show the prefix or delve into it. And there's no need for me to research which games are common on the platform and which aren't ahead of time. Since the game is already for sale, it should function adequately. In fact, my sense of being conned grew stronger and more frequent with each new game release. While the concept behind the prefix is intriguing, it's horribly executed on this hardware. For a novice, the Switch is a divisive device, with titles that are both pricey and technically subpar. If you can wait until the second or third generation Steam Deck, you won't have any problems.