Best accessory I've gotten for my K5 jig. I received two of these. I use them for the obvious reason. But I also use them for face stretching. Why? The one-sided clamping with automatic size adjustment ensures proper clamping force. But you can't get it anymore. Sometimes the pieces of wood you join are slightly different in size. I mean 1/64" to 1/32" thick. It doesn't seem like much, but will need sanding later. I attached the "money side" of the front frame to the melamine countertop. Then I use one of these clamps for the first piece and a second clamp for the second piece. This means that the "money side" is absolutely flat on each piece and the width variation is on the non-money (back) side. Which you don't care since it doesn't show up. I can then twist the parts together with or without wood glue. Most of the time my money side is perfectly flat between the two parts and needs little or no sanding. With a regular auto-size end clamp, I had to grind two pieces to keep it level all the time. , grab some 8 1/2" washers to clamp near the pocket holes themselves. Anyway. I can also use this clamp to almost perfectly connect my plywood sides to the face frame. I clamp on either side of the current hole .I screw in a screw to make sure the pieces don't move.Again, hardly any grinding because I put them together almost perfectly from the start..Two of these will be REQUIRED accessories for your Kreg mount.