This is the perfect addition to any yellow 12/3 15 amp power strip for tradespeople. I keep them handy wherever I use contractor extension cords. In most cases, this 2 foot splitter allows you to buy any length 12/3 15A cable for less than a splitter cable. . It is durable and the bold description of the product is accurate. No matter how well I planned the work, for some mysterious reason, probably dating back to the creation of humans, I will need more energy. In my case, the need for another tool at the workplace is present until the moment the work is finished and cleaning begins. And another tool means I need more power and another plugin. This 2-foot lighted power supply offers that luxury at a great price. It's good to know how much current and voltage you need and how much you're losing through the cable right in front of you. With any job, whether it involves money, time, materials, tools, or strength, always plan to overspend and more than you think is necessary. You will not regret it. With a medium-duty, 14-gauge, 15-amp rated extension cord, you lose 9.1 volts, or 7.6% of your wattage per 100 feet of cord. With 12 gauge wire rated at 15 amps, you only lose 5.7 volts, or 4.8% of your power, per 100 feet of wire. For any wire size and amperage, the voltage drop is directly proportional to the length of the wire. A 100 foot cable has twice the voltage drop of a 50 foot cable. A 50 foot cable has twice the voltage drop of a 25 foot cable. The longer the cable, the more voltage is lost. Like always more power for you.