Great heat gun for your money. opened and poked around the contacts inside. Everything was reliable, communication with the floor was good. dismantled a real hot air nozzle, nothing came of it. The auto-off feature works by placing the hot air nozzle in a magnetic holder and actually runs like clockwork, which is pretty neat. I love that they have very clear instructions on the device itself, along with a Celsius to Fahrenheit conversion chart. it's neat. The outlet you plug the power cord into is a bit loose, at least for me. So when you try to unplug the power cord from the device, you want to rip out the entire outlet. The price is not critical, but there is something to consider. I had to take 2 plastic spatulas and carefully pull the plug out of the socket. My complaint: the smallest nozzle they included actually measured 5mm, not 3mm as written. as promised i needed 3mm because i use this station to solder very small ICs in laptops and 5mm doesn't fit. so i'm a bit annoyed that i have to look for a really small air nozzle instead of getting what they said. second, a bag with tweezers, tips and a desoldering pump, it stinks. seems pretty bad. a mixture of a dead skunk, used motor oil, and a 15-day-old bo from some nasty jogging shorts dumped somewhere in the Ymca. and all accessories smell the same. so annoying and useless. And finally, if I had another problem, it's that the device is a little scratched here and there, like it was a return or the person who did it wasn't very careful. I mean it just sits on my desk and gets put away when I don't need it so it's not a big deal. but it makes you think. Overall you can't go wrong for the price. Don't buy this and don't expect it to last a lifetime, but if you follow the on/off instructions without damaging the heating element in the hot air nozzle I could see it lasting a year or more so moderately Use.