We used this on a Dewalt DWE402K. It has locking lugs and a screw for attachment to an angle grinder. As long as your vacuum has a clean filter and bag, it will do a great job of removing dust. My complaints are as follows. I ended up spending quite a bit of money on a DeWalt diamond grinder because of the clearance required to keep the wheel from rubbing against the guard. You can't even use regular stone circles on this one, or the $10 diamond disc I used on this for that reason. Also, I bought an expensive vacuum nozzle to still hold the hose in place since none of my vacuum nozzles and main adapters worked. I didn't want to spend more money on additional adapters. Also, you cannot switch the grip to the left side as this will not release the vacuum port. Be prepared to spend a lot on extras to really use this thing. If you have everything, it handles dust well. I don't like how it attaches but it doesn't fall off. Until you screw it in, it won't sit snugly on the mill. If you're thinking about it and haven't bought a coffee grinder yet, take a look at the DWE46253. I've only seen it now and regret not having seen it sooner. Quite expensive for all the parts but does the job.