This is the most durable backpack I have ever used. Thule EnRoute combines messenger bags, one-shoulder backpacks and traditional backpacks. It's the perfect size and well balanced to carry the things you need to get the job done. The backpack is thin and compact, which is very handy when traveling on public transport and working in busy areas - you don't have to worry about bumping into people and/or knocking over things in the shop. The outer shell is also easy to clean if it gets dirty in everyday life. I can carry 13" and 15" laptops (one in the laptop compartment and one outside), a glasses case, lunchware, one or more laptop chargers with extra space if I need to pack more for the long day. The top exterior compartment offers a large hard pocket that can be used to store items that may be more fragile. There is enough space in the side pocket for a water bottle. I can comfortably tuck my 27 ounce Klean Kanteen (Non-Wide) up my sleeve. Thule EnRoute has proven to be waterproof. I had to run from the office to my car during a very heavy monsoon storm and had to use a backpack to protect myself from the rain so I could see where I was going because the rain was so heavy and heavy. The backpack suffered for a few minutes before ending up in my car. I inspected the backpack and was pleasantly surprised to find that most of the rainwater just rolled off the backpack. While the outer shell was damp, all of the inner pockets, including the laptop compartment and my laptop, were completely dry!
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