Well I've seen these shoes worn by different people several times and I've always been very fascinated by them. it's cold 9-10 months out of the year and my joints are always talking to me; I recently came across an audio book called The Primal Blueprint. Of course, I've always been a kind of minimalist and naturalist. So this book really intrigued me! While listening to the book, she covered a section called "Barefoot Life" which mainly talked about how primitive people didn't have shoes and how they went barefoot in the area and how we humans didn't just wear shoes since the advent of shoes We've gotten away from our "natural" past, but we've also developed many problems in our legs, bones, joints and back; BECAUSE of our discovery (they say millennia) and the use of shoes. This REALLY interested me because I've had back and knee problems for years. Mostly from my late teens/early 20's. The book discussed this type of "barefoot living" and recommended "barefoot" shoes as a means to really relieve pain in various parts of the body and help correct body structure over time. Wait. So you keep telling me that I wear "regular" shoes that ruined my body?! Are you fucking serious?! The problems appear to be related to the raised heel in regular shoes and how this structurally affects the body over time. Makes him weaker. Needless to say, from that moment on I became VERY interested in this "barefoot” lifestyle! Remind me I've seen this type of shoes before. First thing I did was to google "barefoot shoes" and they fit! After looking at different styles I settled on these KSO EVOs based on the number of positive reviews. It's been over a month now and I have to say it will take at least a few weeks to get used to. Not only will they feel super weird on your feet, your feet and calves will absolutely FEEL the "barefoot" difference when walking/moving. It's a bit strange to FEEL everything I move. But the shoes fit my feet better and are VERY comfortable due to their minimalism. Plus, I can honestly say I've already noticed a difference in my ankles, knees, and back! My ankles don't wobble that much. My knees definitely didn't tremble as much, especially when climbing stairs. And my back is definitely less sore and stiff than usual! These shoes really seem to make a difference and I've been wearing them daily (all day) for the past few weeks. I'm not a runner. So I wear them all the time around the house and when I'm outside. Even though my girl and stepdaughter think they are "so weird"! I find them really unique and cool! And if they continue to help me feel better and stronger, they will keep me on my feet! To be honest, I never cared what anyone thought. After an initial bout of fatigue in the calves and knees it's pretty minimal now and I can see it as this shoe is helping me get stronger below the waist. At the same time, it helps to almost eliminate my back pain and tension. In fact, they helped me identify my weaknesses. It's pretty cool! Some notes. To help you adjust, you can buy socks that will not only make your adjustment time more comfortable, but also help the shoes loosen up a bit and potentially adjust to your feet faster. It seems to have helped me. Fair warning: if you wear socks with them initially, your feet (especially your toes) are going to feel really pinched. Personally, I now prefer shoes without socks. Even if the weather is in the 30's and 40's. I kind of came to terms with it and put up with a slight breeze in the shoes because I realized the benefits I get from wearing them! And honestly, when I'm not actively thinking about it, I hardly notice it. During the winter months I'll probably really try to see if Vibram or anyone else is making any 'barefoot' insulated shoes/boots and wearing them. If not, I guess I'll have to put on boots. but when I'm not working and the weather is over 30 I wear my vibram! I have already rated them! Oh, and make sure you buy according to your shoe size! The main thing is that your shoes really fit your feet! At first I ordered according to the instructions given here, but in the end I got confused and ordered too little! I have shoe size 10 and originally ordered 42 (9-9.5) based on the instructions. I changed them to a 43 (9.5-10) and they fit perfectly! Happy barefoot life! 🤘🏻👍🏻