I bought this with the expectation that it would fail, but wanted to experiment with turning a hover zone into a hyperbaric zone. So I used it to pump air through a duct into my garage where I work and vaporize (like A LOT, vapor build up on things was noticeable). The problem is that as that vapor travels through the fan it can also build up on the engine fairly quickly and I've long been in favor of not trying to pull air out of a room but rather having adequate airflow. Without an exhaust fan, this means there is a positive pressure zone to expel all the air. This fan has been working reliably for MONTHS now. I also have an inlet filter (not a full charcoal filter like on grow setups, just a panty hose at the end of the duct). The experiment went better than expected as my garage is now free of exhaust fumes. It also means that I intentionally kept the intake clear of debris and placed something to prevent anything from getting into the fan blades. Such a cheap addition (I guess) means this fan has been running like a champ for months, and I'll likely reuse it for other projects. After taking these precautions and realizing that the Vivosun product continues to work, I purchased other Vivosun products for my new project. Stars in terms of moving air (it's weak, yes.) And the price is 4 stars (CHEAP!). It serves its purpose and I would buy it again if needed!