I rarely write reviews and this is one of those rare occasions! The chair was purchased to replace the failed one (I won’t write the manufacturer and model, but for the price and functionality, at the time of purchase 3.5 years ago, it was a top model). I want to note that I take the choice of any technique (the more expensive) very seriously. You get used to a good massage, and after 2 months of not having a massage, problems with your back and lower back began to make themselves felt, so the question was not buying a chair, but which one to buy, naturally for less (than the previous chair) functionality and quality I didn't agree. Over the past 4 years, there have been no fundamental changes in the design of most massage chair manufacturers, but there have been a lot of manufacturers, which has complicated the task of choosing. There is only one showroom in our city, so there was no point in test drives (it didn’t work out with other manufacturers). Whoever has the opportunity, when choosing a chair, be sure to do a test drive of the models you like, this is especially true for large people (it will not be comfortable for them to be in most of the chairs designed for a standard user). Massage chairs are also done in different ways, Japanese chairs, for example, make a more gentle massage (due to design features). A prerequisite for me was the "parking" mode. Having decided on several manufacturers and models, taking into account the operating experience of the previous chair, comparing their characteristics and reviews of people, the choice fell on OSARI Pantera! There are no complaints about the store - they delivered it to Hong Kong on time and without damage! The quality of the massage and the effect of the procedures will impress even those who already have experience in operating similar equipment (in my case it was)!
I thought some photos would help to make my review more informative.