The battery came from the link above in 3 weeks, for everything 1550. The kit includes a charger. But I do not use it, because. the battery has a mini-USB input! Charges from a computer for 4 hours. I think you can infect from a cigarette lighter. The LEDs on the battery (4 pcs. ) Show the charging process 25-50-75-100%. During shooting, the remaining charge is displayed. If the last diode blinks, it is better to stop shooting, because the battery is connected to the camera through the external power input with a small wire with a plug (and the camera thinks that it is on external power). The electricity will run out, shooting will stop incorrectly, the last file will be damaged. Now about the main thing: its charge is enough for 2 hours of continuous shooting at room temperature. Disadvantages: 1. The size is 1 cm thicker than the regular one (the camera becomes longer with it) 2. Since the camera thinks that it is on external power, the screen brightness is almost at maximum. Summary: given the cost of a branded battery (min. 3,500 in Hong Kong), then this battery is a worthy alternative.