I placed this order on December 19th. I chose USPS shipping to save on cost due to weight. The actual product was only put into shipping mode on January 3rd and I received it 3 days later, is that correct? This is bad service when it comes to shipping. As for the product, I bought it and have a decent tool to insert into the back of the cleats to tighten. If I had to make any changes it would be the depth of the nylon nut. Could be a pinch lower but we'll see how they hold up. No 'spare parts' included bobby pins in case you stop along the way. I did not use the drill included in the kit as I already have one of the previous slides. My track already had cleat markings on it so no template was needed. Almost all tracks, especially single-layer tracks, are now marked with drill bits. Now we need the winter here in New England.