The picture of this feeder is a bit deceptive. I was under the impression that it has a programmable timer because it shows what looks like a timer on the page. It turns out this is just an image of a clock printed on it near the lights. Indicator lights indicate how many times per day the feeder should feed into the tank. When you put batteries, you need to choose one, two or three times a day. The time you set is the feeding time. So if you want your fish to eat at 5pm, you need to set them to 5pm. If you decide to feed twice a day at 5:00 p.m., he will feed once at 5:00 p.m. and the second feeding will be 8 hours after that. I wasn't trying to set thrice a day. I like its size as it is not too big and fits under the hood of my tank. I haven't tried it with a catenary connected, so I can't comment on that. Cheaper than the PetSmart and probably worth the low price, but I prefer one that lets you actually set the time. If I forgot to set the correct feeding time and I had to go on vacation, my fish would just have to get used to the new feeding time while I was away.
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