Imagine it. You're 27 years old and almost 10 years behind in the good old days of high school football. If only there were a way to stock up and relive the glory days of the grate iron. Ouch. but there is. or at least for those who joined me at our rural small town high school. This is because we are having an annual/semi-annual/you never know if it will actually happen this year ALMUNI SOCCER GAME. And this is not a two-handed game against the current team. Between the graduates of two rival high schools, there is a veritable feast of old age sweat. Clash for the Ages with a full house of 45 people. If you're going to hear these fans roar, you better be ready, and I was! Why me? Because of those spikes. The Nike Vapor Untouchable Pro 3 Men's Soccer Shoes really made me untouchable. It's like I've grown wings on my heels. Met quickly. And then, on the second playthrough of the game!. A fat old guy jumped onto the pile and twisted my shoulder in a way it shouldn't be. Several pops and crackles followed. Damn it, old fat man.