So I just got this to see if it would work as a human thermometer despite the description. It turns out this is correct. For the adults I tested, I got forehead temperature readings of 89-92 degrees. even in the back of the mouth you get temperatures below 90 degrees. That being said, I've used it to check the temperature of my fridge, stovetop, or above. The maximum temperature is just over 300F so I can't verify the exact oven temperature. But if you're looking for an approximate temperature, +/- 2%, this will work. It also seems to do a good job of detecting temperature differences more than exact temperatures. By that I mean that if you point it at a surface with a base temperature of 80°F, it might read a temperature of 78°F. But if you then point it at a surface with a temperature of 82°F, it reads 80°F. Although there is no precision, there seems to be precision.
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