I have 2 of these bags, one for the home and one for the car. I would recommend this bag to anyone wanting to put together a proper home and car first aid kit, but I wouldn't trust it for professional use. Cheap fabric construction and flimsy baffles, but more than adequate for home use. I really like the zippers for the main compartment. For adrenaline-pumping trauma reactions, outdoor injuries, or self-care situations where hands may be slippery from sweat, rain, dirt, blood, or other liquids, compression buckles are great when the user has limited dexterity. I use zippered side pockets for gloves and PPE on one side and my CPR mask on the other. I would recommend adding large loops of clothesline, paracord, or something else that snags easily and can be used in low mobility situations. I love the elastic loops on the inside of the top flap. When I need to go to the bag for supplies, to bandage a serious wound, or to stabilize a broken bone, serious sprain, or dislocated ankle, I automatically have quick access to my medical scissors and hemostat. In my car bag I keep some Milwaukee Innzall permanent markers taped together jungle style for writing on sweaty, greasy, dirty skin. Once I learn how to properly use turnstiles I'll be keeping a few in these loops as well. All in all a good option for the average but fit homeowner/driver, but nothing more.
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