I've been using this product for about 2 months on various leather goods. Boots, purses, keychains, dog collars, belts, sheaths and other miscellaneous items that I have made myself. I rub on the outside, rubbing in a large amount by hand, leaving for a few minutes, then wiping off the excess. To apply the wax, I rub a small amount of wax in by hand, then wipe off the excess with a clean rag. If it's an outdoor or heavy-duty product, I warm up the leather after waxing to allow it to absorb and improve waterproofing. At this point I have used 4 leather creams and oil/wax based water repellent products. These products are a good balance of all. I highly doubt I would buy anything else based on the quality and ease of use of Skidmore Skin Cream and Waterproof Wax. These products make my leather products so much better! I hope this overview and examples help you to decide. Thanks very much! PS The leather used above is cheaper (4-5 sqm), vegetable tanned, dyed dark brown. The wallet was processed by both products 2-3 months ago and used daily. It got a nice shine from the wax but was never sticky even when first applied.