I bought beads for my daughter. Yes they are very cute, I had no problem with them not having a back because they had backs. I didn't pay attention to the fact that the bobby pin is also transparent which made it harder to put on the back than it should be. This is not a problem although the problem is that the pearl fell off and the stud was stuck in my daughter's ear and it was difficult to remove the back to get it out as you don't have the front to grab because of the pearl fell off and the pearl part was now in my daughter's ear. I pulled her out and now she has better earrings in her ears, but that's very dangerous. It's as if the beads are held in place by superglue, and there's not much of it. Of course I couldn't just slip the earring through her ear because that would not only hurt her but could also rip her ear off because they're sharp now because they lost the pearl. All in all I'm disappointed. Please save your money and DO NOT BUY THIS.
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🌸 Набор Softones из 12 или 16 регулируемых браслетов - модные ювелирные изделия для девочек.
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Великолепная Miabella: серебряная итальянская цепочка Rolo с сердечными звеньями на лодыжку - идеально подходит для женщин и девушек-подростков, доступна в размерах 9, 10 и 11 дюймов - с гордостью сделана в Италии!
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