The package came in factory packaging. There were some signs of knocking on the outside of the box, but no more than you'd expect given the amount of handling it has undergone during shipping. When unpacked, the base of the instrument was severely bent (5/16 inch) at one corner, preventing the instrument from standing upright. It wobbled and the corner was noticeably bent, and the paint was peeling at the bend. I also found a piece of metal that landed around a screw that was at the bottom of the box. The tooling isn't cheap, and the steel being bent wasn't sheet metal. The damaged corner was the same corner the box appeared to have a slight crease a heavy (and expensive) tool that obviously fell down, probably a few feet into a corner Poor quality packaging material and not thick enough to protect it from abuse protect, will be taken during shipping Undoubtedly, a manufacturer abroad will save packaging to reduce an ordinary box to reduce shipping costs abroad. I packed them up and sent them back immediately. Guess I have to drive 3 hours to a woodworking tool shop to buy another one where I can carefully inspect the box and unpack the box before leaving the shop.