I bought a DSi for my 9 year old grandson. He wanted a portable gaming system and a camera, so I figured having both in one would be great. The boy is in love! He loves this thing and takes very good care of it. He plays occasionally, just a few hours a day, and also takes it with him on car rides or when his parents visit childless people. It's really good to keep him busy and avoid boredom. The camera works well and he likes to play with different lenses that are easy for him to use. We've used the internet connection once or twice, but he's not really up for it yet. Although this is a somewhat expensive toy for a small child, I think it's money well spent overall. My grandson loves it, the games seem to cost anywhere from $15 to $35 (sometimes a little less or more depending on where you work) which means we can afford to buy for him and he won't find it difficult to earn play money themselves. At the moment he has had the DSi for a month and two games, one of which is educational and which he likes as much as Mario's. I bought a starter kit for this system and it really made a difference; He had everything he needed to get started right away! I bought a starter kit for this system and it really made a difference; He had everything he needed to get started right away! I bought a starter kit for this system and it really made a difference; He had everything he needed to get started right away! that games cost between $15 and $35 (sometimes a bit less or more depending on where you work), which means we can afford to buy for him and he won't have a hard time making his own to earn play money. At the moment he has had the DSi for a month and two games, one of which is educational and which he likes as much as Mario's. I bought a starter kit for this system and it really made a difference; He had everything he needed to get started right away! I bought a starter kit for this system and it really made a difference; He had everything he needed to get started right away! I bought a starter kit for this system and it really made a difference; He had everything he needed to get started right away! that games cost between $15 and $35 (sometimes a bit less or more depending on where you work), which means we can afford to buy for him and he won't have a hard time making his own to earn play money. At the moment he has had the DSi for a month and two games, one of which is educational and which he likes as much as Mario's. I bought a starter kit for this system and it really made a difference; He had everything he needed to get started right away! I bought a starter kit for this system and it really made a difference; He had everything he needed to get started right away! I bought a starter kit for this system and it really made a difference; He had everything he needed to get started right away! depending on where you work), which means that we can afford to buy for him and he won't have a hard time making money in the game himself. At the moment he has had the DSi for a month and two games, one of which is educational and which he likes as much as Mario's. I bought a starter kit for this system and it really made a difference; He had everything he needed to get started right away! I bought a starter kit for this system and it really made a difference; He had everything he needed to get started right away! I bought a starter kit for this system and it really made a difference; He had everything he needed to get started right away! depending on where you work), which means that we can afford to buy for him and he won't have a hard time making money in the game himself. At the moment he has had the DSi for a month and two games, one of which is educational and which he likes as much as Mario's. I bought a starter kit for this system and it really made a difference; He had everything he needed to get started right away! I bought a starter kit for this system and it really made a difference; He had everything he needed to get started right away! I bought a starter kit for this system and it really made a difference; He had everything he needed to get started right away! At the moment he has had the DSi for a month and two games, one of which is educational and which he likes as much as Mario's. I bought a starter kit for this system and it really made a difference; He had everything he needed to get started right away! I bought a starter kit for this system and it really made a difference; He had everything he needed to get started right away! I bought a starter kit for this system and it really made a difference; He had everything he needed to get started right away! At the moment he has had the DSi for a month and two games, one of which is instructive and which he likes just as much as Mario's. I bought a starter kit for this system and it really made a difference; He had everything he needed to get started right away! I bought a starter kit for this system and it really made a difference; He had everything he needed to get started right away! I bought a starter kit for this system and it really made a difference; He had everything he needed to get started right away! I bought a starter kit for this system and it really made a difference; He had everything he needed to get started right away! I bought a starter kit for this system and it really made a difference; He had everything he needed to get started right away! I bought a starter kit for this system and it really made a difference; He had everything he needed to get started right away! I bought a starter kit for this system and it really made a difference; He had everything he needed to get started right away!
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