I have experience with changing rollers so changing 3 out of 4 rollers gave me no problems. The fourth roller pin will not engage. I used a rubber mallet and every other tool I could think of to get the pin deep enough to click. I decided it wasn't deep enough. I've added pictures showing a properly installed wheel and a wheel that won't engage. UPDATE: I originally ordered two boxes of 4 rolls each. I needed 8 in total. There was a broken wheel in the first box, the pin didn't fit because the hole wasn't deep enough. Several people have tried so it wasn't me. I had to use a wheel from another box to finish a chair. I was missing a wheel. Since it was quicker to just order another pack of wheels than going through the return process, I did just that. When I received the new box I had a total of 8 rollers, one of which was defective. In short, out of the eight commercials I had, only four were good. Luckily I was able to finish my project on time, but now I have a box full of 4 defective rolls. The problem is that the hole at the end of the reel isn't deep enough for the stem to fit. Each box contained one or more defective rollers. I do not recommend.