I like that this program is easy for my clients who are not computer savvy, but can still manage their own finances! It has made it so much easier than having them come in person or call me every time they need something done regarding an account/contract etc.. There really isn't anything i dislike about using OptiBt Contract Manager - just make sure you get all your questions answered before purchasing because there could be some hidden costs (like more storage space). This will help ease any problems when dealing woth non-technical people without making things too complicated as well!! It is very user friendly, easy for end users and admin alike to use. The ability to have multiple forms in one file makes it easier than having them separate. I think that there should be an option where you can send updates from Outlook or other email service providers as well instead of being required to go back into the system each time. We had been using fax but this was becoming obsolete so we decided to try out econtracts. Since then i haven't looked back at our old way of doing things.