I am a professional dog trainer and I have used several bags on the market. In my opinion the competition between treat bags boils down to this and the Petsafe branded treat bag. There are several differences. Bag Shape/Size: As with other reviewers, speed is important when training dogs. The PS bag is big enough that I found that in order to get the treats out of it, I had to either fill the Petsafe bag almost to the brim, which meant I had to add a lot more treats than I could ever fit in one (or two, or three). ) train or put a small bowl in your pocket so the treats are closer to the hole. This problem is compounded by the fact that the Petsafe bag has square corners. I had to throw in a lot of treats to keep them available and when I got into the corners I didn't just have to work on getting the treats out because they got stuck and when I used soft treats (which was the default for me) they were they usually soggy when i got to them. I solved this problem too by putting a small bowl in my bag. It seems like a weird trick to make a bag work. The DG pocket is sized to fit the normal amount of treats I would use in a workout and still have easy access. There are no corners for treats to get caught or crushed and I can get out the last few treats very easily. This is also important when cleaning because with the DG bags I can just empty the treats and clean the bag while with the Petsafe bag I had trouble getting things out of the corners and washing. Magnetic clasp, while the Petsafe brand has a spring-loaded clasp that allows you to open or close quickly. Every style is different. The Doggone doesn't hold its shape when opened, but I don't see that as a major issue. On the other hand, the snap closure offers a nice wide opening, but your treats are dog-accessible too, and if you forget to close the kennel and lean forward, you could end up losing your treats on the floor. For me it comes down to personal preference, but I prefer the DG bag as it essentially has a "standard" closed opening. big. This is important if you have large hands. If so, I would recommend the PS bag despite its shortcomings. Quality: I found the build of each to be comparable. Both models are made of water-repellent nylon. The DG bag is ripstop and I've been using it extensively for 7 months with no complaints. I've stopped using the PS bag but it seems well constructed too. Extras: The DG bag has 2 clips and 4 extra pockets including one in the pocket that I use for clickers or treats, two side pockets one of which has a slit. to distribute bags. I have a friend who is also a professional dog handler who uses it primarily as a fanny pack for personal and dog stuff so I think it's pretty versatile. I don't use clips. The PS bag has an extra pocket, clip and elastic straps. Again, I don't use clips, and as for the elastic bands, I can't say I was sure what they were for. I tried sticking my clicker in, which seemed to work, but it was pretty inconvenient. I prefer the pockets of the DG clicker bags. With any bag, I recommend using a strap, not a belt clip.
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