The quality of the leather is simply stunning for children's shoes. We are a size 2 for a small child and they fit like a glove. she is 8 years old and will soon be from 1.13. go to the 2nd. she had maybe 3/8 inch toe room. This pair is good because you can use them as dress shoes or casual shoes. At this age you get a pair for each category, but I guess I wouldn't mind getting a few pairs in different colors and letting them work with them!
Stylish and Comfortable pediped Flex Estella Mary Jane Shoes for Toddlers and Little Kids
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Flexible Comfort: pediped Flex Isabella Mary Jane for Toddlers and Little Kids
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Capezio Girls 3800 Mary Jane Tap Shoe in Caramel - Size 11.5 M Toddlers
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Felix Flora Toddler Flower Dress Shoes - Adorable and Comfy Flats
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