In short, I shoveled the entire Runet, reviewed a bunch of reviews, comparative tests, re-read a bunch of reviews and, as a result, the choice fell on this rubber. Looking ahead, I’ll say that I used this rubber in the 13th radius at 2109 and at the 15th radius on Dastar . Well, in the end, after 1, 2 seasons, I got rid of the wallpaper sets of this rubber because of the incredible noise when driving on asphalt that was clean from snow and ice At first I attributed this hum to the poor sound insulation of my 2109, but then when I bought the kit for the Dastr, I realized that it was the rubber. Yes, in all other respects the rubber is good, but for me personally, the noise of rubber is the predominant factor due to the poor sound insulation of the cars I drive . P. S. Right now I bought inexpensive Chinese Velcro for dastr and I am not overjoyed at the silence and comfort and it is not necessary to worry about the spikes. Of course, Velcro behaves very mediocrely on an icy road and you need to be more careful and careful