I like most about gogetfunding was its easy way of raising fundings from my friends as well business partners, it also helped me in finding investors which are willing invest even at lower risk levels with good terms provided by us! The only downfall i faced while fundraising through this site might be their customer service team they lack professionalism sometimes when dealing customers regarding issues related or not but over all everything worked smoothly so far great platform worth trying!! As an individual/startup working alone without any financial support hence need funds via crowd funding platforms such has gofunds where people can donate small amounts (any amount) towards your projects thus helping get more exposure etc.. I like how easy it was in finding what i needed, as well getting my funds transferred into an account very quickly! It's also great knowing your data are safe with them too!! Nothing really but they do have some bugs here or there which can be annoying at times when trying out new features/apps etc however nothing major so far just minor issues from time-to -time (which could easily been solved by contacting support).