My son loves this car! It has a steering wheel that moves from side to side, the horn can make noise, and it's fairly easy to steer and maneuver with one hand. This car looks great too, we have so many people asking where we got it from, in addition to people on the street giving a thumbs up haha, you can also fold the black part of the handle like that that an adult can easily fit in the trunk or anywhere else. The baby seat also has a small storage space at the bottom. We walk a lot, usually around 3-4 miles a day. We've had the car for a few months now and it can climb anything: cement, gravel, mud, climbs, grass, you can drive anything. It seems like a smooth ride for your little one. Cons - the parent cup holder is somewhat useless in my opinion. It wasn't difficult to assemble, but did require a rubber mallet and a second person if possible. None of these machines have padding on the back, but the first time my son got a little scratch on his back I think because he was only wearing a thin shirt I still don't know how it happened but it was not like that It didn't happen. because the.
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