I looked at several of these machines to use as a reward system for my kids and chose this one based on price and reviews. Here are some things we've noticed that may be helpful.This machine picks up 1"-1.25" capsules VERY easily. I grabbed some on Ebay like the ones you get out of the gumball type machines. You're a bit limited on items that fit inside the capsules but they are soo much easier for the claw to pick up. We've used coins, enamel pins, raffle tickets, slime, gumballs, warheads, rings, jolly ranchers, bracelets, stickers, and extra tokens in these capsules so far. The kids especially love extra tokens to play more!The machine will pick up other objects like miniature candy bars but not as easily as capsules. The drop dispensing area is about 2" wide so keep in mind when choosing prizes.The claw itself moves fairly slowly and is timed with the music so you may not get a prize with every turn.As other reviewers have mentioned, the claw is secured with a plastic bag when you receive it. but it's fairly simple to tip the machine on it's side , unscrew the lid, remove the plastic and twist tie then replace the lid.It takes 3 D size batteries. Not sure how often they need replaced as we have only had it a week or so.The machine seems good quality with sturdy walls.The music is a bit loud but adds a fun element as it goes faster when your time is almost up, cheers when it drops a prize and gives a sad wah wah wah if you don't.Overall I'm very happy with this machine and my kids are scrambling for chores to do to earn a token to play. ( The machine comes with tokens in the bottom compartment).