Bought a 9-14 for my 8 year old. She is very tall for her age and they are quite long (they have a sagging crotch area so we pull the leggings up which makes them very unnecessary). They are very stretchy, my daughter's waist is 26 inches / 30.5 inches at the hips. She weighs 79 pounds. I'm only including all these details because the seller advised me to order her and an adult small (having ordered 9-14) for the look I'm going for so they fit her perfectly. I wanted the leggings to look like some rock 'n' roll photos, so they had to look like leather pants. She will swim in an adult little one. As I said, they are very stretchy and have long legs, so I'll look at the weight chart to find the best fit. They look really nice on the legs, the waist is a bit like a granny belt but her shirt will hide it. Not sure how they will wear/refresh but they look really cool.
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